[Picture of Patty]

Felicia O'Conner ~ Patty Gilbert

June, 1996

Patty, the light of my life. This photo was taken literally 20 minutes after I first laid eyes on her.

We both were on a bus heading upstate New York one summer's day. I looked into her eyes and never stopped diving into that pool of no return. We only spent two hours or so traveling together that day, but I could not shake the vision of her lovely face nor the sweet experience of her presence. We stayed in touch.

Patty bribed her air controller (she was a "Stew" for American Airlines) and wangled a trip to the West Coast.

We fell in love. We shared a life. Finally we moved on, I reluctantly.
I still have not shaken Patty from my soul. I don't think I care to do that...

(Patty...if you're out there please contact me. -Robert )

[Picture of Sherry]

Sherry Rogers

June, 1996
Sherry Rogers- the most beautiful woman I ever laid eyes upon.

I met her at a party in San Francisco one fine evening and after being struck by "the thunderbolt" I took a very deep breath and proceeded to lay siege. I must have done all right as we were an item for quite a while.

One day my college "chum" Jeff Plate couldn't help himself and I guess Sherry couldn't either. They proceeded to get together and also became an "item."

The story of love, eh?

[Picture of Mary Peacock]

Mary Peacock

The highlight of my romance with Mary Peacock was running away with her to a sleepy Caribbean island, Eleuthra. This picture was taken on the beach during those idyll days.

When Mary and I met when she was Editor of "Rags," a West Coast fashion magazine. I was "Chief Photographer" for Rolling Stone Magazine. We seemed to fancy each other and decided to run away.

To this day I am a Mary Peacock fan and friend. Mary went on to become editor for Gloria Steinham's Ms. Magazine. I still visit Mary whenever I get to New York City and pay a call to her lovely Tribeca apartment.

[Picture of Sam]

Sam (Marilyn Verhege) Bell

Sam has always been my great and good friend. Here she is displaying au couture at the North Beach Leather Fashion Show.

My wife Holly and I ran a modeling Agency, Anaja Talent and Models. Sam was our right hand. She and husband Loren now have two precious little 'uns, Taylor & Zach, here in San Francisco.
Ah yes, I married the other love of my life and we spent many happy years working and playing together until we too ran out of steam.


Please note that all of these photographs are Copyright © 2002 Robert Altman, All Rights Reserved. They are made available for your personal enjoyment only. Any other use without the express, prior written consent of Robert Altman is strictly prohibited.

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