Not Quite Site of the Week

The Robert Altman Photography Website
Do you know who he is? Not the movie Altman, the Rolling Stone
photographer Altman.
He took some of the most memorable images of the last three decades
of music and counter-culture around.
His recent book "Rolling Stone; The Complete Covers 1967-1997"
demonstrates just how greatly his images have impacted our minds
and memories. In addition to many images of the rock stars he
caught in the bloom of their youth, there are scads of photos
of the 60s and the movers and shakers who helped make what happened
happen. Most of the images contained in this online gallery are
accompanied with related links.
Mr. Altman is probably unapproachable in photography as a perfect
blend of photojournalist and star-shooter. His access to the moments
and individuals which created the cultural shift in the 60s put
him in the unique place of being the ONLY person who could have
taken many of the pictures he took. In effect, this made him one
of the movers and shakers of that era, by virtue of his bringing
these images to our eyes and our minds. Without this imagery,
many of the heroes of that generation may not have been as deified
as they became.
In his site he documents not only his prolific photographic output,
but his own life - then and now - and there really is no better online document of that era and
it's transformation into this one.
 So why do I give this man who deserves nothing but respect and
accolades a Not Quite award? Two reasons - the main one being
the first image which greets the eye on the site - the picture
of Cintra Wilson (Salon Columnist (and playwright and actress
apparently - see right pic)). Perhaps she is his significant other
right now - if so I prefer his images of his earlier loves. If she is not his lady, then I don't understand what she's doing
there. She's trying too hard and she's wearing too much make-up
(and what's up with that hair). All of that against black is just
a little too much. The second reason is that this amazing museum
of images is not dignified by the pale, predictable backgrounds
and cheap, thrown together interface. I know it's hard to justify
spending a little money on web design, but trust me...it's worth
There's no reason this site shouldn't be a mecca. There's just
the fact that images as great as these deserve great settings
and presentation. But even without slick design - the site is
worth prowling through by any account.
-David, he cannot keep a civil tongue |
